Frozen Chia Seeds Pudding

November 23, 2021 1 min read

Frozen Chia Seeds Pudding

Puddings are always a delight to dig in. The fun gets even better once you make it healthy and organic. So, here we bring you a delicious recipe that will guide you to make Frozen Chia Seeds Pudding and put a perfect end to your Thanksgiving feast.

Ingredients you will be needing

  • 1 banana
  • 6 tablespoons ofWhole White Chia Seeds
  • 1 teaspoon orange zest
  • 2 teaspoons shredded coconut
  • 2 teaspoons honey
  • 2 cups almond milk
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract

The making begins

  • Take a bowl/glass and pour in milk, orange zest and vanilla extract (you can add some more vanilla extract if you like a strong flavour). 
  • Add chia seeds and whisk well.
  • Cover the bowl and refrigerate until the chia seeds have taken a pudding-like form (this takes a minimum of 2 hours).
  • Stir once or twice in between to make sure that the chia seeds don’t form lumps.
  • After it's done, stir once more, drizzle honey, place thinly sliced bananas, and top it with shredded coconut. 
  • Serve chilled.

A great dessert to finish off your delicious Thanksgiving dinner. Tastes best when served chilled, but you could even give it a hot shot if you are up for that. It’s your scrumptious pudding packed with all the goodness of chia seeds. Enjoy!

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